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Monthly Memberships

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Memberships are what make the world go 'round. Without the steady, dependable support of members, it wouldn't be possible to produce Best of the Left at the frequency or quality that you've come to expect. As thanks for your support, members gain access to a couple of pretty awesome perks.

Although you may set up a subscription donation in any amount you want, memberships start at $6 per month.

1. Bonus content! If you love the voicemails and comments section of the show, then you'll love my occasional bonus content that is basically an extended version of that section of the show. Sometimes I play voicemails, sometimes there are bonus clips from other shows, and sometimes I just let you in to what's been on my mind recently.

2. Access to the full archives of the show. These go back to January 2006 and are, frankly, kind of fascinating to go back and listen to. Seriously, try it. I've also set aside my favorite episodes from over the years, so you can zero in on the Best of the Best of the Left.

3. A stash of my favorite non-political audio I've come across over the years. These are clips and stories of all varieties--some funny, some poignant and some sad, but all well worth your time. You could theoretically find all of this stuff for free elsewhere; I've just made it easy by collecting them for myself over the years, and now I'm giving keys to the vault to members. 

See to what one member wrote when they discovered all of the bonus content just before Winter Holiday:

"Holy shit, Jay, what a treasure trove!  I mean seriously, I cannot believe I overlooked this stuff when I first joined.  OK, so I already downloaded all the bonus stuff to my phone and I think I’ll DL some of the Best of.  Wow, I am in lib hippie heaven, man!  And to think I was worried about running out of podcast material to listen to during this long holiday stretch when a lot of the shows are on vacation!"

4. And finally, most importantly, though maybe of the least actual value, my undying gratitude for believing in the work I'm doing enough to want to help keep it going. I couldn't do it without the support of the audience and I feel lucky everyday to get to do what I do in an effort to make the world a better place. 

Already a member? Get all of the details about bonus content and the like here!

Please note, contributions to BotL are not tax-deductible.